Supervisors fund $5,000 for Scranton Community Center

The Greene County board of supervisors approved $5,000 for work at the Scranton Community Center, although it isn’t clear if it will be during the current fiscal year or FY 2016. The grant will come from the county’s discretionary Dreyfus fund. Some funds tentatively earmarked for the current year have not yet been paid out. If money remains at the end of the year, June 30, it will go to the Scranton project.

Scranton Community Center board member Doug Hawn made the request of the board at its Jan. 29 meeting. Work will be done in the former lunch room, which was the shop in earlier years of the old school building. Plans call for upgrading the electrical service, moving the furnace, covering the windows so they match (windows were covered in various ways at various times over the years), and replacing the floor with ceramic tiles. Total cost of the project is more than $20,000.

The Scranton all-school reunion is June 20, and Hawn hopes the work can be completed before then. He said between 800 and 1,000 alumni and friends will attend the reunion.

Recent projects funded by the city of Scranton at the Community Center have included a new water heater and renovations in the kitchen, Hawn said.

Supervisor Dawn Rudolph is also on the Community Center board. She said the facility hosts between 80 and 100 events a year.

Hawn said long range plans include turning the former music room on the second floor into a media center or youth center. “There’s a lot of potential on the second floor of the building,” he said.

“We’re changing the needs of a school to the needs of our community,” Rudolph added.

Supervisor Guy Richardson said it’s a “perfect use for the facility to be turned into a community center.”

The supervisors voted 4-0 to approve Hawn’s request for funding. Rudolph abstained.

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